Dejan Buljovcic
In my own words...
I was raised in former Yugoslavia in an atheistic home without any religious influence for the first 14 years of my life. As a young atheist, I was dedicated to disprove any religion and especially Christianity. But the more I studied, the more I became doubtful about atheistic claims. My faith in atheism started to crumble, and with all the evidence around me I couldn’t hold onto that belief anymore.
Because of my strong opposition to Christianity I didn’t become a Christian until after some two years passed. My journey to God and acceptance of Jesus as my Savior was rough and marked with pain, with two near-death experiences caused by no one other than myself. But by the grace of God, He opened my eyes and my heart to cry out to Him in the midst of my pain. At about the age of 16 I gave my life to God. And there I was, that kid who was once angry and full of hate, experiencing the love and forgiveness that is found in Jesus. That was a dramatic change. Everything made sense, my questions that were never answered in atheism were answered. Life made sense. Existence made sense. My life was in God’s hands.
In the years following my conversion I have experienced great works of God in my life. He preserved my life through army service so that I could return home safely as a veteran. I was able to see Him use my love of music, skateboarding and apologetics to share the gospel with many. Between 2002 and 2005 He opened a door so that I could go to Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe in Vajta, Hungary where I met my wife. And since, 2005 we have journeyed together serving Jesus in Hungary, Serbia, Idaho/the U.S., and now here in Edmonton.
It was truly wonderful blessing to be part of God's work here in Edmonton. When we arrived in November of 2012 there was no Calvary Chapel, and we didn't know anyone here. Yet, as we know, God is faithful and He did a great work. Now after 10 years, there is established Calvary Chapel in Edmonton and our joy is full because of all that was done since then and impact that the teaching of God's Word has made. Souls were added to the Kingdom of God, many were baptized, people were strengthened in their faith and all of us have been transformed by the Holy Spirit through verse by verse teaching of the Bible.
I believe that there are many great things that are yet to be done through this church, for it is His church. Every member has a love for God and one another and a good foundation has been laid - Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11).
Lawrence Weiss
Jesus has always been part of my life. Sunday church was the norm until I obtained a. job that required me to work on Sunday mornings. The Holy Spirit wasn’t letting me go that easily. Sunday mornings at the TV station that I worked my job was to watch Sunday services while being prepared to deal with any network interruption.
In the early days of the internet I discovered some verse by verse teachings that my wife and I would listened to. We would attend Calvary Chapels when travelling and would ask when one would come to Edmonton. We have been attending Calvary Chapel Edmonton since it’s inception.
Barry Frunchak
Bio will be available soon!
Andy Dykstra
Bio will be available soon!