John 21

We wrap up the last book of John and see Jesus reveal Himself to his disciples after His resurrection.

John 20

We observe the parallels between Old Testament sacrifices and Jesus' death and resurrection.

John 19:21-42

Jesus is crucified and thereby fulfilling prophecies. 

John 19:1-20

Pilate's power came from God. No one has no power unless it has been given to him from God.

John 18 Part 3

Jesus goes before Pilate and explains how His kingdom is not of this world.

John 18 Part 2
Peter denies the Lord three times. When we operate in the flesh we are weak.

John 18:1-11

We learn about Jesus' power and character as He is betrayed and arrested.

John 17 Recap

We review Jesus' high priestly prayer and what His desires are for us from God.

John 17:5-17

We continue through the High Priestly prayer, and how we are sanctified by Christ.

John 17:1-4

Jesus spoke on the Glory of God. Our body is a tent and will fail, our soul is eternal.

John 16:15-33

Jesus explains praying the Father in His name, and that He has overcome the world.

John 16:4-15

Jesus tells the disciples that He has to go away. It is better for Him to leave so the Holy Spirit could come.

John 15 Part 3

When following Jesus you can expect persecution by the world because it hates Jesus.

John 15 Part 2

Jesus shows great love, laying down his life for his friends. We are His friends if we keep His commands.

John 15 Part 1

Jesus tells us to abide in Him; He is the true vine. We will require pruning to bear good fruit.

John 14

We see one of the "I AM" statements of Jesus and the promise of the Holy Spirit.

John 13 Part 2

Jesus identifies Judas as His betrayer and gives a new commandment to the disciples.

We see the humility of Christ, and his omniscience, washing feet and knowing who would betray Him.

Jesus speaks of His mission and we see that God the father is glorified through him.

John 12 Part 2

We observe what worship is, and how Jesus' death would bring life to all who believe in Him.

John 12:1-11

Jews are determined to kill Jesus. He has supper at Lazarus' and Mary anoints Jesus with oil.

John 1:1-3

We explore the doctrine of the Trinity, as displayed throughout both new and old testaments.

John 11 Part 2

We review John, the miracles of Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God. He is close to the cross. 

John 10:22-11:44

We learn that Jesus is Lord through the completed prophecies and His works here on earth.

John 10:1-21

Jesus shares that He is the Good Shepard and that His Sheep hear His Voice and follow Him.

John 9

As Jesus leaves He sees a blind man. He heals him and the religious people question Jesus.

John 8 part 2

The pharisees challenge Jesus on Who He is and His claims on being God's Son.

John 8

Guest speaker Larry Mitchell walks us through the Jewish festivals and the significance of Jesus' claims.

John 7:25-53

Officers are sent to arrest Jesus, but His time has not yet come, division among the Jews occurs.

John 7:1-24

Jesus stays in Galilee while the Jews seek to kill Him. His time has not yet come.

John 6:21-71

Jesus calls Himself the Bread of Life. We explore what this means to us as believers today.

John 6:1-21

Jesus feeds the 5 thousand and wants us to look at the eternal realm not physical only.

John 5 Part 2

Jesus and God are One. Jesus will judge the world. To know Him is to be alive.

John 5 Part 1

There is a healing at the pool of Bethesda, on the Sabbath, but man was not made for the Sabbath.

John 4 Part 2

The Gospel is preached and we read of Jesus healing an official's son.

John 4 Part 1

We learn the historical context and spiritual impact of Jesus speaking with the woman at the well.

John 3 Part 2

John the Baptist exalts Christ and addresses questions of baptism and purification.

John 2

We see the first sign performed by Jesus at the wedding in Cana and the cleansing of the temple.

John 1:29-51

Behold the Lamb of God! We see John the Baptist announce Christ and the calling of the disciples.

John 1:1-28

We observe the Word becoming flesh, and the testimony of John the Baptist.

John - Intro

Intro to the Gospel of John and testimony